
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Tribute to Robin Williams, talk on depression and Grammarch.org
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014

Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
Cover CA is for the Young & Healthies
Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
Marci Bair of Bair Financial Services MetLife joined us in the studio today. Bryan is back from vacation and let me tell you, he's rested and good to go and tell you all about Bora Bora.

Thursday Jul 17, 2014
Realty, Reality and Archie Andrews
Thursday Jul 17, 2014
Thursday Jul 17, 2014
WOW! Turn Bryan and Drew loose on a show when a guest has to cancel and it is a full show. You'd think they had a full panel. It was quite a show full of topics.
Shout out to Marisol Patton.
OK, back from break..

Tuesday Jul 15, 2014
Can you say no? Sure you can, just practice.
Tuesday Jul 15, 2014
Tuesday Jul 15, 2014

Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Big Daddy Radio 2.0 is because of YOU!
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Hey, we are BACK! We have missed you all. We thought we were moving, but because of your enormous support on ESPN we are back - we are here for YOU! Thank you. We are truly humbled by the campaign.

Thursday May 22, 2014
Tamra and Eddie Judge are BACK in the studio!
Thursday May 22, 2014
Thursday May 22, 2014
Talk about going out on a high note! This is one of our last shows on this station and who joins us today? None other than Tamra and Eddie Judge, founders of CUT Fitness of OC and Tamra of Real Housewives of Orange County.
Critobal Perris on fan panel. Bryan and Wes have been going through a move - what a hassle when you stay in one place a long time - you accumulate a lot of CRAP. Drew admitted to enjoying helping them move. As long as it's not HIS stuff.
Show two weeks ago - amazing SRO packed the house. Angie has moved three times in a very short period of time. Let's talk about purging. Quite an eye opener. I say GO WITH IT when the mood hits you to purge - GET THE DUMPSTER AND GO, GO, GO! You won't miss the piles - you really won't!
Tamra and Eddie are knocking it out of the park at CUT Fitness. This is an older photo of them, didn't want to take the one from USA Today - but let me tell you - va-va-voom! They are both looking healthier and sexier than ever! CUT Fitness OC is great for their clients and them. Safe dieting and nutritional changes is their second priority. They get so excited helping their clients transform their appearance, but more importantly their health. Tamra started working with a nutritionist two years ago. She's the first to say with her education process in this area that it's not about cutting out carbs. It's knowing which carbs are good and all of the effects of what you put in your body. They'll be growing their business to include an in-house nutritionist to advice and guide clients.
They want to offer CUT Fitness around the world, stating in US first. They'll be broadcasting their fitness classes through streaming media. This will launch later this year. Great way to offer their services across the nation.
The group acknowledged what a quality person and shining example of humanity and femininity she is through her honesty, compassion and vulnerability. Bryan cheered her stingers from her Real Housewives scripts this season. She's a real person and they are they sweetest couple.

Tuesday May 20, 2014
Bryan's New Home: The Home Pro Show
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Tuesday May 20, 2014
We are going to be focusing on them and how they conceptually got started with this program. Sean and Heather Johnson started The Home Pro Show two years ago in order to provide San Diego consumers a trusted local resource for information, education and entertainment about their homes.
They have built a strong team of the very best pros in each home service category. These pros review companies, answer questions, provide advice and help connect homeowners to the right pro for any job they may have.
Each Saturday morning at 9AM on KOGO 600, you can hear The Home Pro Show discuss a variety of topics related to your home. From remodeling to real estate, from solar to subfloors, The Home Pro Show covers it all with expert pros in each category.
Similarly, on San Diego 6 TV each Monday at 9AM, The Home Pro Show feature on San Diego Living brings those same pros on to help solve problems and inspire San Diegans to do great things with their homes and gardens.
All of the pros and information can be accessed around-the-clock at ApprovedHomePros.com. This online resource has tips, advice, videos and a searchable database of the top local companies in each home service category. Of course, all of this is a totally free service to the San Diego community.
Before any company can come on The Home Pro Show or ApprovedHomePros.com, they must pass a very rigorous approval process. This process weeds out the lesser companies so only the top pros in each category are ever found on the show or the associated online and social media outlets. Only the very best are ever granted the status Approved Home Pro. Many, many companies have been turned down for Approval and no amount of money can buy Approval when it has not been earned.
Sean, Heather and the whole team stand behind the program and put their hard work and passion into every show and every online post. They believe they had a duty to the local community to help protect them from unscrupulous companies and to help Uplift, Educate and Entertain the San Diego community. BIOS
Sean Johnson- Long time media veteran, Sean was the Vice President of Clear Channel Radio here in San Diego for several years. In that position he led the sales efforts for seven top local stations and the San Diego Chargers radio broadcasts. Sean also ran his own publishing company for several years.
Heather Johnson- Heather spent several years working with home improvement radio in the Phoenix market. As well, she was a top performer with both Clear Channel and Bonneville radio groups.

Friday May 16, 2014
San Diego is on FIRE and we'll help keep you safe.
Friday May 16, 2014
Friday May 16, 2014
Wes was on the show and the mortgage rates had hit their lowest point of the year for 2014 as of the show date. There is no rhyme or reason really. Everyone said we wouldn’t see these types of rates again and now here they are. Although I did see there is going to be a trend reversal.

Thursday May 01, 2014
William Lopez Helping you create your BEST first impression in business
Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
William Lopez has been Bryan's friend for 18 years. His firm handles PR, logos/graphics, web design and more! He has an MBA and PhD in education - he hails from Chicago. They are a full-service Marketing Communication firm. They are the First Impression Image creators!
They come apprehensively, but still have great ideas when they are given the creative freedom inspired by Alternative Strategies.
Their experience with restaurants is extensive. You don't want to go cheap and use a cookie cutter type of site. There is a design team of 4 people that work on ALL logos to create a brand that fits perfectly. They have a few choices then and the clients completely benefit.
"When we have this much business, or this many clients.... that's when we will do the marketing."
WRONG - have to do it from Day 1. Have a budget set aside from the start otherwise you are already behind and risk creating a terrible first impression, have to rebrand... disaster!
DIVERSIFICATION - don't put it all in one marketing basket. What are you doing to market to existing clients? What do you do for your referral clients? How do you reward them?
What are you doing to communicate to your customers as the EXPERT?
What kind of list do you have? What are you doing to continue the touch and drip marketing? They will FORGET YOU if you don't continue the relationship.
Announcement: Big Daddy Radio is changing formats at the end of the month
New shows:
- Real Estate Debate Show starts in June. At least once a month.
- Home Pro Show - sort of like an Angie's List locally for anything dealing with the home. Bryan will be THE agent.
- Big Daddy Radio is changing at the end of the month - we are transitioning to Google+ and HangoutsOnAir through YouTube with a focus on REAL ESTATE - imagine that? Bryan - the Realtor having shows about REAL ESTATE.
Sandy Rasque joined us today for her last appearance. It's been fun! On to new adventures. Her company is Concierge Physician Advisory. They help doctors transition from a standard practice to a concierge medical model. Skype appointments, longer appointments, better service for patients.
About William Lopez:
He's a critical thinker and strategist with a successful track record in producing integrated marketing programs, public relation campaigns and brand management initiatives. He's thought of as a stealthy marketing partner with experience in brand architecture that transcends cultural barriers for local, regional or national implementation 'branding with a cultural pulse.' An integrator with expertise in client and agency collaboration and coordination for optimal brand activation and success.
So what are we talking about with this guy?
You can reach him to talk about your marketing needs here:

Thursday Apr 24, 2014
Think before you marry too young, ladies you could be paying FOREVER!
Thursday Apr 24, 2014
Thursday Apr 24, 2014
Today was a throwback Wednesday as we had Debbie Gast Montenegro joining us along with Sandy Lyons Rasque and Angela. Bryan has known Debbie and Sandy going back to elementary school.
Debbie talked about the pitfalls of getting married young and what can happen after the children are raised and divorce happens. Debbie is now stuck forking over $2k a month to an able bodied ex-husband who has a good job of his own yet the fruits of her labor by getting an advanced degree and amazing job at Boeing has cost her having to support the “community” (when it comes to family law is the reference) and will be paying her ex-husband spousal support until he remarries or dies.
This was a very lively topic of conversation and a great show.
Chime in the comments with your horror stories - without mentioning names, please!